differences.ATTgt.results(type_of_aggregation: str = None, overall: bool = False, difference: bool = False, to_dataframe: bool = True, add_info: bool = False)

provides easy access to cached results. this method must be called after fit and/or aggregate depending on the parameters requested

type_of_aggregation: str = None

  • "simple"

    to return the weighted average of all cohort-time average treatment effects, with weights proportional to the cohort size.

  • "event" or "event"

    to return the average effects in each relative period: periods relative to the treatment; as in an event study.

  • "cohort"

    to return the average treatment effect in each cohort.

  • "time" or "time"

    to return the average treatment effect in each time time.

overall: bool = False

calculates the average effect within each type_of_aggregation.

  • if type_of_aggregation is set to "event" or "event"

    to return the average effect of the treatment across positive relative periods

  • if type_of_aggregation is set to "cohort"

    to return the average effect of the treatment across cohorts

  • if type_of_aggregation is set to "time" or "time"

    to return the average effect of the treatment across time times

difference: bool = False

to return the most recent estimated difference

to_dataframe: bool = True

whether to return the result in a DataFrame or a list of namedtuples

Return type:

Either a pandas dataframe or a list of namedtuples